Welcome to the Town of Ignacio Planning page. Hopefully, this page will help answer your questions about a variety of different projects. Please visit the Forms Page for the forms and handbooks we have available online. Many of the forms/applications required are listed below. Please remember applications are just that—only applications. They are not issued permits until the Town of Ignacio has signed off, and no work shall be done until it is approved. You are more than welcome to download and email any completed forms and necessary attachments to info@townofignacio.com.
Remember, all of our permits and applications serve as safety measures. Without these steps, extremely dangerous situations could and would be created. Also the permits and applications help maintain the rules and regulations outlined in our Municipal Code and Downtown Design Standards for a safe and livable community. The current zoning map is available HERE.
Before any work may be done, you MUST call 811 for locates. Please see applications for specific time frames. If you call too early the locates may not be valid when the work needs to be started. Visit the Utility Notification Center of Colorado website for more information on regulations, requirements, and fines from failing to call locates.
Please see the Planning Commission Page for information, agendas, and minutes for the Town of Ignacio Planning Commission.
If you have ANY questions at all, please call Town Hall (970-563-9494).