Welcome to the Forms Page for the Town of Ignacio.
This page is a resource for current businesses, potential new businesses, and community members looking for specific services. The Town of Ignacio strives to make our community business friendly and welcomes all inquiries; we are here to help as much as possible.
Here you will be able to download most of our applications, handbooks, and informational packets electronically. Hopefully, these documents will provide answers and guide you through the various processes.
All the documents in this section are in PDF format. If you don't already have one, please download a free PDF Reader. You may fax, mail, or email your completed forms; payment can be made by check. If you would like to pay with a credit/debit card, please call the office Monday thru Friday, between 9:00 AM and 4:00 PM.
Also on this page, you will find a business directory. This is an up-to-date list of the business who have a 2021 Town of Ignacio Business License, current Businesses that are located outside of the Town of Ignacio that are licensed to provide services within our Town, and a listing of Town of Ignacio Landlords. As you can see we have a vibrant and diverse business community.
The Town of Ignacio is a member of the Ignacio Area Chamber of Commerce and is a board member of the La Plata Economic Development Alliance and Region 9 Economic Development District of Southwest Colorado. We are committed to maintaining a business friendly atmosphere and supporting our current businesses, as well as increasing local and regional businesses.
If you are a non-profit corporation, we recommend partnering with the Colorado Nonprofit Association. You can learn more about them at their website: www.ColoradoNonprofits.org.
Lists of Licensed Businesses and Landlords: